Drugs culture fascinates us. From old hippie experimentation to more academic books about the effects of LSD and first-hand accounts of users; especially if the writer is are able to put a good sentence together. We have an interest in counterculture in a broader sense too, even if we haven’t quite worked out what we mean by that. This section is a little bit random, we admit, but we think it’s worth exploring. Any questions about our stock, do get in touch!
Showing 1–72 of 135 resultsSorted by latest
Viva [Hoffmann, Janet Susan Mary]
The Baby: A Video Novel
£27.50 -
Rohan, Marc
Paris ’68: Graffiti, Posters, Newspapers, and Poems of the Events of May 1968
£30.00 -
Churton, Tobias
Aleister Crowley: The Biography. Spiritual Revolutionary, Romantic Explorer, Occult Master – and Spy
£30.00 -
Lemke, Gayle
The Art of the Fillmore: The Poster Series 1966-1971
£95.00 -
Hunter, Garry (SIGNED)
Urban Art: The World as a Canvas
£20.00 -
Rottmann, Larry
Winning Hearts and Minds: War Poems by Vietnam Veterans
£25.00 -
Amter, Joseph A.
Vietnam Verdict: A Citizen’s History
£14.00 -
Taylor, Laura
£16.00 -
Lifton, Robert Jay
Home From the War. Vietnam Veterans: Neither Victims Nor Executioners
£14.00 -
Kane, Rod
Veteran’s Day
£14.00 -
Regan, David J.
Mourning Glory: The Making of a Marine
£20.00 -
Nelson, Charles
The Boy Who Picked the Bullets Up
£25.00 -
Hendin, Herbert
Wounds of War: Psychological Aftermath of Combat in Vietnam
£14.00 -
Cassidy, John
A Station in the Delta
£14.00 -
Rutledge, Howard and Phyllis
In the Presence of Mine Enemies
£20.00 -
Puckett, David H.
£20.00 -
Hassler, Alfred
Saigon, U.S.A.
£50.00 -
Hardesty, Steven
Ghost Soldiers
£20.00 -
Wroblewski, Chris
City Indians: Photographs of Western Tribal Fashion
£95.00 -
Jacob, Dorothy
A Witch’s Guide to Gardening
£75.00 -
Cadle, Peter
Bunjies Coffee House: Nights in the Cellar
£35.00 -
Leary, Timothy
Exo-Psychology: A Manual on the Use of the Human Nervous Nystem According to the Instructions of the Manufacturers
£90.00 -
Knee, Sam
Untypical Girls: Styles and Sounds of the Transatlantic Indie Revolution
£110.00 -
Marks, Howard
Mr Nice
£27.50 -
Gerald, Matt, Miessgang, Thomas (eds.)
Punk. No One is Innocent: Art, Style, Revolt
£45.00 -
Gerald, Matt, Miessgang, Thomas (eds.)
Punk. No One is Innocent: Art, Style, Revolt
£40.00 -
Sladen, Mark
Panic Attack! Art in the Punk Years
£22.50 -
Barker, Simon (photography)
Punk’s Dead
£35.00 -
Hopkins, Rupert
Peace Snapped (SIGNED)
£90.00 -
Leitch, Yori (ed.)
Signs & Secrets Of The Glastonbury Zodiac
£45.00 -
Saveri, Lele
The Newsstand
£30.00 -
Mander, Raymond
The Lost Theatres of London
£45.00 -
Norton, R.A.
Through Beatnik Eyeballs: A Novel of Teen-Age Life
£45.00 -
Czezowski, Andrew
The Roxy: Our Story. A Duography (SIGNED)
£75.00 -
Owen, Ted
High Art: A History of the Psychedelic Poster
£20.00 -
Golding, Peter
Rock Graphic Originals: Revolutions in Sonic Art from Plate to Print ’55 -’88
£40.00 -
De Chassey, Eric O(ed.)
Europunk: TheVisual Culture of Punk in Europe [1976-19801]
£40.00 -
Levinson, Maurice
£20.00 -
Lichtenstein, Rachel
Rodinsky’s Whitechapel
£70.00 -
Sinclair, Iain
Dark Lanthorns: David Rodinsky as Psychogeographer
£75.00 -
Hill, Jonathan
Johnny: the Work of Psychedelic Artist John Hurford
£70.00 -
Gutman, Walter
The Gutman Letter
£25.00 -
Masters, Robert E.L
Psychedelic Art
£45.00 -
Sewall-Ruskin, Yvonne
High on Rebellion: Inside the Underground at Max’s Kansas City
£25.00 -
Korpsak, Joe
Underground Press Guide
£20.00 -
Greenway, John
American Folk Songs of Protest
£30.00 -
Fabian, Jenny
A Chemical Romance
£20.00 -
Fabian, Jenny
£40.00 -
Farren, Mick
The Texts of Festival
£25.00 -
Davies, Hunter
Here We Go, Round the Mulberry Bush
£70.00 -
Seaver, Richard
Writers in Revolt: An Anthology
£27.50 -
Davis, Julie (edited by)
£160.00 -
Boston, Virginia
£110.00 -
Biggs, Ronnie
Ronnie Biggs. Odd Man Out: The Last Straw
£30.00 -
Tsuzuki, Kyoichi (ed.)
City of Giants: Massive Movie Posters of Madras
£30.00 -
Farren, Mick
Watch Out Kids
£70.00 -
Donnelly, Anthony
Still Breathing: The True Adventures of the Donnelly Brothers
£70.00 -
Donnelly, Anthony
Still Breathing: The True Adventures of the Donnelly Brothers
£27.50 -
Marshall, George
Spirit of ’69: A Skinhead Bible
£90.00 -
Marshall, George
Spirit of ’69: A Skinhead Bible
£275.00 -
Regan, Leo
Public Enemies
£160.00 -
Anscombe, Isabelle
Punk: Rock/Style/Stance/People/Stars
£150.00 -
£25.00 -
Khamit-Kush, Indus
What They Never Told You in History Class
£75.00 -
Sabin, Roger
Below Critical Radar: Fanzines and Alternative Comics From 1976 to Now
£27.50 -
Emboden, William
Narcotic Plants
£75.00 -
Saunders, Nicholas
Alternative London / 4
£75.00 -
Haslam, Dave
Life After Dark: A History of British Nightclubs and Music Venues
£22.50 -
Steele-Perkins, Chris
The Teds
£70.00 -
Stein, Jean
Edie. An American Biography
£50.00 -
Trocchi, Alexander
Cain’s Book
£55.00 -
Grogan, Emmett
Ringolevio. A Life Played for Keeps

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