Quinto Bookshop

Specialten, Issue 20

Black, Marcus
Sebastianelli, Fabio



4to. Laminated pictorial boards. Includes a DVD in a paper wallet attached to rear paste-down and limited edition print in bound-in pocket at rear. *** Specialten was a bimonthly art and music magazine in the form of a deluxe DVD collection of short films, music videos, and exclusive interviews. *** This issue (issue 20) has a limited edition print by Jonathan Ellery and features Juergen Teller, M.I.A., Animal Collective and more. (For full content, please see photographs.) First issie published in hardback. *** Other issues available.

Book Details

AuthorBlack, Marcus
Sebastianelli, Fabio
PublisherSebastianelli & Black
Publisher Year2007
Book ConditionFine
Binding TypeHardcover
IllustratorEllery, Jonathan