Useful Photography #002
4to. Glossy pictorial wrappers. Unpaginated [c.256 pages]. N.d [c.2002]. Edited by Hans Aarsman, Claudie de Cleen, Julian Germain, Erik Kessels and Hans van der Meer. No text. *** Second issue of the cult photographic annual Useful Photography. “A magazine published once a year focusing on overlooked and underwhelming images taken for practical purposes.” Each issue is organized around a theme. Volume #002 is a collection of photos that have been collected on auction web sites.”Many thousands of people now own a digital camera. Many thousands more sell their personal items over the Internet everyday. Suddenly everyone is a photographer and all homes are studios. Useful Photography #002 is a tribute to this new kind of photographer in the world of virtual selling.”
Book Details
Author | Aarsman, Hans (et al.) |
ISBN | 9075380461 |
Publisher | Artimo |
Publisher Year | 2002 |
Book Condition | Fine |
Binding Type | Soft cover |
Edition | 1st Edition |
Language | English |