by Walter Kraut | Sep 22, 2020 | Featured author
When you type in ‘Gary Indiana’, Google gives you ‘Gary, Indiana’, the birthplace of Michael Jackson and the Jackson 5. You have to scroll down quite far to get to the writer, actor and social commentator of the same name. Gary Indiana was...
by Walter Kraut | Sep 14, 2020 | Featured author
‘It remains an open question whether he was truly a great photographer. He had a tremendous gift for self-publicity, and undoubtedly the element of outrage in his earlier work helped him swiftly towards fame and fortune.’ This remark in a short obituary in The...
by Walter Kraut | Sep 1, 2020 | Featured author
Kerouac’s bibliography is a strange one. After the incredible success of his novel On the Road the market was suddenly flooded with new Kerouac publications. Most of these had been written before his sudden fame and rejected previously. They have the feel of...